First, you will need to register on our platform to get started. This just means that you will need to create an account by providing some information about yourself.
Once you have registered, you will receive a personal link. This is a special link that is just for you, and it will allow you to connect with other people on our platform.
Now, let's say you meet someone online who you would like to have a video date with. You can send this person your personal link, and they can use it to schedule a video date with you.
When you are asked by someone on a date, you will see them in your personal calendar:
now you can agree, you can reschedule or dismiss:
To have a video date, all you need is a device (like a computer or phone) with a camera and an internet connection. You and the other person will be able to see and talk to each other using the camera and microphone on your devices.
That's all there is to it! Our platform makes it easy to meet and connect with new people online, and have fun video dates from the comfort of your own home.
Great! Now that you know how to use our platform, let's talk about some of the advantages of having an online date.
One advantage is that it can be more budget-friendly. You don't have to worry about paying for things like gas, expensive meals or a babysitter.
Another advantage is that you can have a sober date. This means that you don't have to worry about drinking alcohol or being around it, which can be a safer and healthier choice for some people.
Another advantage is that it can be easier to be emotionally vulnerable during an online date. It can feel less intimidating to open up and share your feelings when you are in the comfort of your own home.
We also use something called the “36 questions to fall in love“ science to help people connect and build strong relationships. These are a series of questions that are designed to help people get to know each other better and build a deeper connection.
It's important to note that all of these advantages are based on evidence. This means that they have been tested and proven to be effective by researchers.
We hope that these advantages will help you have a fun and successful online date on our platform!
We hope you enjoy using our platform and have a great time meeting new people!