10 funny dating stories of famous people

10 funny dating stories of famous people

Famous people are human, and their dates are sometimes funny

Oprah Winfrey

once went on a date with a man who spent the entire time talking about himself and not asking her any questions. When she tried to leave early, he told her she couldn't go because he had paid for the entire dinner. Oprah ended up sneaking out of the restaurant through the bathroom window.

Former President Barack Obama

once asked a woman out on a date and she turned him down. He later said, “I was actually ready to lay it all out there. I was like, 'If you don't go out with me, I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life.'“

Actress Jennifer Lawrence

once went on a date with a man who took her to a petting zoo and tried to make her touch a snake. She was so disgusted that she faked an emergency phone call and left.

Actor Bradley Cooper

once went on a date with a woman who talked nonstop about her ex-boyfriend. He later said, “I wanted to crawl under the table.“

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker

once went on a date with a man who wore a shirt with a picture of a cat on it and ate all of her food. She later said, “It was a disaster. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.“

Actor Ryan Reynolds

once went on a date with a woman who spent the entire time talking about her ex-boyfriend and comparing him to Ryan. He later said, “I just wanted to crawl under the table and disappear.“

Actress Jennifer Aniston

once went on a date with a man who spent the entire time talking about how many people he had slept with. She later said, “I wanted to go home and shower for about three hours.“

Actor Shia LaBeouf

once went on a date with a woman who told him she was a “huge fan“ of his work. When he asked her what her favorite movie of his was, she said, “I don't know, I haven't seen any of your movies.“

Actress Emma Stone

once went on a date with a man who spent the entire time talking about his conspiracy theories. She later said, “I just wanted to crawl under the table and hide.“

actor Will Smith

once went on a date with a woman who spent the entire time talking about her cats. He later said, “I just wanted to go home and pet my own cat.“

Ask someone on a date